To register with Ngāti Rongomai Iwi Trust, we recommend whānau register through Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust (TPT)

What is TPT?
Ngāti Rongomai Iwi Trust is an affiliate member of Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust (TPT). TPT are a post-settlement governance entity formed on 1 December 2006 to receive, hold and manage settlement assets on behalf of eleven Te Arawa Iwi and Hapū.
Why should I Register?
- Recognition as a member of your iwi/hapu
- Able to vote on tribal matters
- Able to participate in trustee election for your iwi/hapu
- Able to participate in trustee election for TPT board
- Able to apply for free recreational hunting/fishing/gaming permit within Kaingaroa and Rotoehu forests
- Receive communications via email, newsletter or facebook
- Able to apply for Forestry Scholarship
How do I register?
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to register! The process is quick and easy, taking only 10 – 15 minutes of your time. To ensure a smooth registration experience, make sure you have your whakapapa details ready beforehand and follow the step by step instructions below:
Step 1: Check you are registered
If you are unsure whether you are registered with TPT, or if you need to update your contact details, please contact the TPT receptionist on (07) 347 4615 or email or private message TPT on Facebook advising what you seek and provide your full name, date of birth and address.
If you aren’t registered, go to Step 2.
Step 2: Register
You can register online as a beneficiary with TPT, or
Download a Registration Form.
Ensure to complete a Whakapapa Form for each iwi/hapū if the whakapapa differs. You can download an additional Whakapapa Form if needed.
Scan and return by email to or post or drop in to the TPT mailbox located on the office door at 1212 Amohia Strees, Rotorua 3010.
Step 3: Whakapapa & Application Verification
Every application is referred back to your affiliate iwi/hapū koeke to validate. Once validated, we will confirm registration in writing with you. However, if further information is required, you will be contacted and advised.
For further information on registering with Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust, visit the website.
Get In Touch
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your connections, opportunities and how we can help you.